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Life Gets In the Way

Posted by Beth Tiefenauer on
Life Gets In the Way

It has been a while since my last blog but as we all know "Life Gets In the Way"! I am a Big believer in running my life-not life running me but it doesn't always turn out that way. Sadly, there are several disasters, natural and otherwise, impacting our world. More and more we need to Be Prepared and have a plan. Camping Outdoors LLC carries several survival bags, bugout bags, and survival/camping foods for these times. We do not have the lowest prices around but we do have real quality products that you can depend on when you really need it! If you have ever been through a hurricane, flood, fire, or tornado you understand just how Big that need can be.

The desire to be in nature after these times can be very strong, it's also very theraputic! Take your loved ones and get out there. Go camping, hiking, biking, or to the beach. It will help your mind and spirit to revive and find peace. You need it, we all need it, every chance we can!

Take a few minutes and look at our collections, see what would help you in your time of need. Figure out what would help you and yours be better prepared.

The Camping Outdoors LLC family would like to send our thoughts, strength, and prayers to all those that have been hit so hard. Please be safe!

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