The leaves are falling off the trees and there has been snow in several areas of the country, we are passing through fall edging towards winter. There are still several beautiful places to hike and/or camp out there. With several different hunting season opening up please be aware of where you camp and hike. Part of the campgrounds are closed for safety reasons.
You will need a quality tent and a snug low temp sleeping bag for this season's chill. This is also an excellent time to shop for new equipment and products since gift time is bearing down on all of us.
Camping Outdoors LLC wants to take a moment to thank all of those that have shared our blogs, links, and pages. We also appreciate those of you that have taken the time to send in your comments and your thoughts and questions. We hope all of you continue to do so, it truly helps us each and every time. Thank each of you for your support while we continue to grow!